If you have received a promotional code for Crimpd+, please follow the steps outlined below to redeem your subscription offer. Upon completion of your promotional period, your subscription will automatically renew under the monthly pricing option.
iOS users can redeem their Crimpd+ promotional membership by following these steps:
Note iOS promotional code redemption is only available on devices running iOS 14 and higher.
The code redemption process in iOS 15 is fairly unreliable and may fail to connect or redeem the code. If you are unable to redeem your promotional code after multiple attempts, please contact support@crimpd.com
Android users can redeem their Crimpd+ promotional membership by following these steps:
Note Promotional code redemption for Android users is only available on new subscriptions. Current or former Crimpd+ subscribers are not eligible to redeem promotional codes due to Android limitations.
Please contact support@crimpd.com if you have any questions or problems.